DAV Centenary Public School, Jind was launched in April 1988 to commemorate the centenary of inception of DAV movement. The school functions directly under the control of D.A.V. College Managing Committee. New Delhic which has among its members distinguished educationists and persons of eminence from various walks of life. Hon'ble Shri Punam Suri Ji, President D.A.V. College Managing Committee is at the helm of the affairs.
A local committee has been constituted which also controls functioning of the school. All efforts are directed to achieve the main objectives of the school. We, an ISA certified and International Awardee, aim to provide the right opportunity and environment for a harmonious all-round development of the personality of the students by giving a quality conscious and value-based education along with awaring them about the cultural heritage of the country. We aim to instill in the students a sense of responsibility and initiative so that they turn out to be useful and independent citizens of India
Our alumni include HCS, IAS, Army Personnels, Singers, Cricketers which is a testimony of our commitment D.A.V. Creates gardens in its classrooms. We grow "love", "hope", "learning and joy. At D.A.V. School, find, the child is the nucleus of entire teaching and learning process. We are an equal partner in entire journey of a child's quest for knowledge.
The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi up to Senior Secondary level. The CBSE Affiliation no. is 530209, while the examination code no. issued by CBSE Regional office, Panchkula is 40189.
DAV Centenary Public School, Jind was launched in April 1988 to commemorate the centenary of inception of DAV movement. The School functions directly under the control of D.A.V. College Managing Committee, New Delhi, which has among its members distinguished educationists and persons of eminencefrom various walks of life. Hon'ble Sh. Poonam Suri Ji, President DAV College Managing Committee is at the helm of the affairs.
All efforts are directed to achieve the main objectivies of the school. We aim to provide the right opportunity and environment for a harmonious all-round development of the personality of the students by giving a quality conscious and value-based education along with the cultural heritage of the country. We aim to instill in the students a sense of responsibility and initiative so that they turn out to be useful and dependable citizens of India.
The School has a Local Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Dr. Ramesh Arya Ji Vice Preseident, DAVCMC, New Delhi, Mr. Inderjeet Batra Ji, Vice-Chairman, Brig. A.K. Adlakha, Manager, Dr. D. D. Vidyarthi Ji as the Regional Director Public Schools Jind Zone, Haryana and Mrs. Rashmi Vidyarthi Ji Principal DAV Public School, Jind.
The aim of the institution is not to produce students with academic excellence alone, it aims at intellectual, emotional, physical and aesthetic development of personality.
The school aspires to make its students better citizens of tomorrow, having the qualities of leadership, reverence for Indian culture, regard for elders and respect for the noble ideals and norms of the society.
School endeavors to foster a healthy attitude to dignity of labour and hard work.
School aims to develop in its students self-confidence, positive thinking and prepare them to face unfamiliar situations.
Every educational institution has to frame its objectives which incorporate the needs and aspirations of parents and students.
The main objective of this institution is to instill the students a refined outlook with utmost discipline and deep dedication in the pursuit of knowledge.
This institution also pays attention to the following:
To nurture the growth of young child to become self reliant, self respecting and self confident person.
To create in a child an innate sense of individuality, sense of curiosity and explorations, initiative and creativity.
It tries to make a child a desired human being ,a fit member of the community with a sense of respect and appreciation for everyone and everything around her/him.
It tries to inculcate in a child the qualities like modesty, tolerance, compassion, patriotism and generosity.
Last but not the least, this institution always aims at the all round development of an individual with an integrated growth of physical, mental, emotional and moral being.
Providing knowledge and imparting intensive training in the chosen area of specialization.
Developing harmonious personality by imparting communication and analytical skills.
Exposing students to the challenges being faced by the industry through frequent interactive sessions with the captains of industry and practicing managers including public sector organizations.
Inculcating ability for continuous and systematic scanning of environment.
Encouraging creativity through sessions of lateral thinking. Grooming students to be responsible and honored citizens.