Physical and Mental health go hand in hand. Sports is an indispensable part of school curriculum. The school has a vast playground with ample facilities to train students. A cemented basket ball court and a cricket pitch have been added also. Sports are encouraged at inter school, Zonal, Distt. Inter State & National level in varied disciplines like Karate, Badminton, Tennis, Handball, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Chess, Volley ball, Basket ball, Football, Cricket etc. This imbibes the children with qualities of leadership, sportsman spirit, team work, tolerance, responsible attitude & Industriousness towards achieving set targets. Mass participation of children is encouraged. The Sports Day is organised from time to time, when students, compete at Inter House level with their counterparts in other houses, in varied athletic events, games and sports. The performance of the best house is appreciated by awarding the sports shield. Many medals are won by the deserving students. Every year, the school participates enthusiastically, along with other D.A.V. schools in the prestigious All India Mahatma Hansraj Aryan Tournament & in may other games organised by State Govt. also and wins many accolades.