Special Features  

With a view to make the process of learning more lively, to induce leadership qualities and to overcome the monotony of classroom learning, various types of co-curricular activities are encouraged and conducted regularly. 

In order to realize the highest ideals of education to develop all round personality, the students are divided into four houses. Each house has a Captain and Vice captain . Each house is under the guidance of house Mistress/Master and an assistant House Mistress/Master. House-System helps to imbibe in them the qualities of team spirit, leadership and foster healthy competition.

Inter-house competitions are organized throughout the year to ensure total growth of the students.

The students are also given innumerable opportunities to participate in inter-school competitions at national level, district & state level. 

Students are helped and encouraged in developing and exhibiting their talents regularly in School assembly also. 

Apart from Scholastic (Academic) Excellence. Non-Scholastic areas are given balanced attention. School offers to train students in a variety of co – curricular activities: 

National days of importance and important Festivals are celebrated in school to make children aware of their importance.

Planned field trips, excursions and sending student for exhibition/workshops are arranged as an extension of teaching learning programme and to give them first hand experience. 

‘Hawan' is performed periodically and our endeavor is to involve majority of students in its performance. 

Working day at the school commences with morning Assembly resonant with Veda mantras right from classes from Pre-K.G. onwards

Contact Us ↓

D.A.V. Centenary Public School, 
Urban Estate, Jind-126102 (Haryana)
E-mail : [email protected]
Tel. No. Office : 01681-247506

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