Vision and Mission  


In the modern times when the moral values are being fast eroded away in face of invasion by the materialistic attitude and commercial approach to life which leads only to dissatisfaction, rat race and depression. D.A.V. Jind is doing a sterling job of anchoring the youngsters firmly on to their age - old Vedic traditions through chanting of Vedic Mantras daily in the morning assembly, encouraging the children to perform Havana as per the Vedic rites, teaching the age - old Hindu traditions and customs of paying respect by touching the feet of elders & respected ones. Moral Education is an integral part of the school curriculum. Honesty & truthfulness is appreciated & generously rewarded. All these efforts transform young minds into strong and stable characters. The students in DAV school are provided the best facilities and infrastructure for education. Since profit making is not the aim, maximum funds are utilized to create a learner friendly ambience and environment in the school. There is an excellent library stocked with books which help the students expand their mental horizons and benefit the teachers as well. Modern infrastructure for science education and sports training enable the all round development of the learners in the school. 

The DAV has a clear-cut vision: 

  • To continue expanding and exploring, locally and globally and be a knowledge leader and content provider. 
  • To muster strategies to become a global epicenter of knowledge, culture, skills, technology, research and service. 
  • To empower women through education


The vision of a powerful and enlightened India had been conceived by Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati (1824-1883). He devoted his whole life to awaken the ignorant, illiterate masses of this country. He knew that it could be possible only through education and literacy. The vision and philosophy of the fearless reformer, Maharshi Dayanand, was given a practical shape by Mahatma Hans Raj, who led the educational renaissance in India. As his most important legacy, the Mahatma left behind a pragmatic and enlightened approach to education. One aspect of his approach was his choice of English- oriented Science-based education with a blend of Vedic values. Another was the great emphasis he laid on women education. Lastly, true to the egalitarian basis of Arya Samaj philosophy (as conceived by Maharishi Dayanand), Mahatmaji believed in equality for all students irrespective of their caste, colour or creed were welcome to join the DAV institution. 


The DAV vision of education telescopes well with the National Policy on Education (1986) which lays great emphasis on developing a national system of education, with Education For All, keeping in mind the elimination of disparities in the educational system and provision of more facilities through qualitative interventions, empowerment of women, access to education to disadvantaged sections of the society, educationally backward minorities and the disabled. It also calls for greater rigour and discipline in academic pursuits, autonomy and accountability, experimentation and innovation and nurture excellence and modernization of processes at different levels of education. In order to accomplish the mission, the objectives laid down are as under: 

·    To provide a wide range of holistic education by homogenizing the western knowledge while remaining anchored to the Indian cultural moorings; 

·    To act as a catalyst of change by spreading education, and by dismantling the cobwebs of ignorance and illiteracy; 

·    To develop individuals who are morally upright, intellectually well-informed, socially concerned, emotionally balanced, physically well-developed and culturally accomplished; 

·    To stimulate a scientific temper by crusading against superstitions and out-dated customs like child marriage, caste system, female foeticide, dowry, gender bias, regionalism etc; 

·    To sensitize individuals towards social welfare and 

·    To nurture creative and resourceful minds who think big, think fast and think ahead, who care for the nation and the weaker sections of society, and are imbued with humanistic passions and values. 


The DAV believes in a holistic approach to education for the all round development of personality of the child. DAV believes that every child should be given an opportunity to bloom, a right to explore, to touch, learn and enjoy, to experiment, to question, to think, to play and to shoulder responsibility. So different aspects are to be published for ‘Holistic Education’: Physical, academic, intellectual, social, spiritual & emotional development as well as creative expression and aesthetic appreciations. Our institution lays stress on curricular and co-curricular activities- personality development, building confidence, as well as developing life skills, communicative skills and scientific temper. Academic management involves fostering creativity, questioning & inquiry skills by improving the classroom climate, curriculum design emphasizing project-based, problem-based, interdisciplinary, integrated and thematic learning. A rainbow of creative activities covers different aspects like literary, art, music, dance, theatre etc. 


Environmental issues like the reduction of pollution and sustenance of the environment have also been taken up by DAV institutions. Several projects like van-mahotsav, ‘’say no to poly-bags’ campaign, ‘say no to fire crackers’ campaign, water-conservation and anti-pollution drives are regularly carried out by the DAV School in order to create awareness not only among the students but the whole community. Our students have carried out sanitation and cleanliness drives in the school neighbourhood also. 


DAV has always been a pioneer for any National cause specially- in the hour moments of National Crisis. Whether it be the earthquake at Pauri or Gujarat, the Kargil war, the Orissa tragedy or the Tsunami catastrophe -the DAV has always risen to the occasion by donating generously in the form of cash, kind and voluntary service to alleviate suffering. 


The main thrust now is on a well- planned expansion with global relevance keeping in view the revolution in the full of electronics, computers and multi-media. Global shifts towards increased deployment of IT has made the DAV also look through the lens of good governance and move towards E-administration and e-services. The use of IT has led to greater transparency, accountability and participation in the institution. The institution primarily is focusing on automation and computerization. The thrust has now shifted from manual processes to IT-enabled processes leading to increased efficiency in administration and service delivery, focus on teaching learning in schools with Internet access and computer labs and also by offering info-tech courses 


The Great path maker of modern India.

Knowledge to conquer Space, learning to admire virtues, getting rich by acquiring wealth through pure means, aspiring to become a FARADAY by acquring scientific knowledge.

Wisdom to conquer oneself, aspiring to become virtuous, getting rich by renouncing riches, aspiring to become a Buddha.

We impart an education to build and an education to serve.

From Untruth to Truth 

All efforts are directed to the achievement of the objectives of the Institution. We aim to provide the right opportunity and environment for a harmonious all- round development of students. The students are given holistic education exposing them to modern development in the field of the education blended with the cultural heritage of the country. We aim to instill in the students a sense of responsibility and initiative so that they turn out to be useful and dependable citizens. The need of providing sound education to young ones has been stressed upon by the education thinkers, philosophers and saints at all times. Maharishi Dayanand, the great torch bearer of Indian Renaissance of 19th Century, propounded a national system of education in his immortal creation the 'Satyarth Prakash'. Education, according to him is the main potent tool for bringing about national reconstruction and eradication of social evils like untouchability, economic inequality and superstitions. To propagate the thoughts and teachings of Maharishi Dayanand, D.A.V movement was founded in 1886, at Lahore, in the form of D.A.V School. Soon a chain of D.A.V. Institutions known for their enviable standards and programme of education with moral and religious concept as an integral part spread, all over the country.


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D.A.V. Centenary Public School, 
Urban Estate, Jind-126102 (Haryana)
E-mail : davpsj@gmail.com
Tel. No. Office : 01681-247506

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